I came across this picture late last night and it prompted me to hit the net, do some research, and write this post. My question to you is - Is there a food that you think you could competitively eat??
When I saw the pic above of former world hot dog eating champion Kobayashi, I started looking for competitive eating contests in Atlanta. I found a calendar with the remaining eating contests for 2011 and there's only ONE in ATL - Noodles (Oct 16).
Now, there are a lot of foods that I love to eat but there are very few that I think I could scarf down under a time restraint. I made a list though that I think I could give anyone a run on though.
- Fried Shrimp
- Lemon Pepper Wings
- Saltine Crackers
- Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
- Peach Cobbler
Saltine Crackers? Really?
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