Name: FLIP Burger Boutique
Cuisine: American w/ the signature Richard Blais flair
Neighborhood: Midtown
Address: 1587 Howell Mill Rd. Atlanta, GA 30318
Phone: (404) 352-3547
I got a lot of emails and texts from you guys last week about my review of HD1, the new "haute doggery" that just opened up recently off of Highland Ave . Many of you loved how I kept it so real about my experience there. But, many of you also had questions about the OTHER Richard Blais restaurant that I compared HD1 to - FLIP Burger Boutique. Why does FLIP hit where HD1 misses?? Well, the answer is - it just does.
Sitting about 3/4 of a mile west from the Howell Mill exit on I-75, FLIP epitomizes the new "sexy" that is the essence of ATL Bite Life in 2011. It's a simple concept (burgers) with a twist (exotic toppings and condiments) and an all white decor that's akin to what you'd find in one of Alex Gidewon's clubs. It's modern, it's sleek, it's unassuming on the outside, kinda pretentious on the inside, but really good overall.
On my first visit, I was a little timid. As I perused the menu and I noticed there were burgers with avocado, soy jellies, and curried pickles, I figured it'd be best to start with something simple. My choice - a regular old turkey burger with American cheese (USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!) and a side of fries. I chased it down with a ginger ale (even though they had a full bar). The service was prompt and professional. There's also this GORGEOUS waitress there that has this Leona Lewis thing going for her that is. . . . (note to self: I need to stalk her later. Lol).
Anyway, the food arrived to my table not too long after ordering it and it was great. The plate presentation was nice and consistent with the overall ambiance of the place. Then, I bit into my food. WOW!!! My burger was hot, juicy, and seasoned well. The fries had a Checkers-ish quality but not so "fast foody" if that makes sense. Everything was just solid across the board. It kinda reminded me of my trip to Yeah Burger to a certain extent but FLIP's contemporary interior was a sharp contrast to the more casual Yeah down the road.
My only personal disappointments were the two milkshakes I ordered. Yes, I ordered TWO. Don't judge me!!! I was curious. Up first - the Krispy Kreme shake (for obvious reasons). For those of you who don't know, I am a Krispy Kreme fanatic!!! However, there's a reason that there is no picture of this shake in today's post. It was horrible!!! It was like they took a dozen glazed donuts and put them in a blender with a half gallon of whole milk. The result - a diabetic's nightmare with a nasty after taste. Not the move at all!!! I tossed that one.
My second shake was the Nutella + Burnt Marshmallows shake pictured above. Honestly, this didn't even sound appealing to me. But, on this particular day, the 6 or 7 tables around me ALL had this shake (no exaggeration). I figured it must be good if EVERYONE has it, right?? WRONG!!! The chocolate was extremely rich and the burnt marshmallows just weren't for me. *Kanye shrug* I gave up after that one. I tried though.
Overall, I definitely recommend FLIP Burger. I've been back several times since that first visit and have NEVER had a bad experience. I've even tried most of the burgers that I thought were so "weird" at first. Some were an acquired taste but all were tasty. In comparison to HD1, I just think that many of those odd toppings or condiments seem to work BETTER on a beef (or turkey) patty than they do on a hot dog. What else can I say?? But, maybe it's me.
The next time you're near Howell Mill Rd, stop by FLIP and give it a try. Tell 'em ATL Bite Life sent you.
Happy Eating!!!
Grade: B+
What's Great: Atmosphere, Food
What Ain't: Music can be too loud, Seating in middle sections can be annoying for parties of 2 or 3
Ideal For: The Burger Eater that's tired of burgers
Cuisine: American w/ the signature Richard Blais flair
Neighborhood: Midtown
Address: 1587 Howell Mill Rd. Atlanta, GA 30318
Phone: (404) 352-3547
I got a lot of emails and texts from you guys last week about my review of HD1, the new "haute doggery" that just opened up recently off of Highland Ave . Many of you loved how I kept it so real about my experience there. But, many of you also had questions about the OTHER Richard Blais restaurant that I compared HD1 to - FLIP Burger Boutique. Why does FLIP hit where HD1 misses?? Well, the answer is - it just does.
Sitting about 3/4 of a mile west from the Howell Mill exit on I-75, FLIP epitomizes the new "sexy" that is the essence of ATL Bite Life in 2011. It's a simple concept (burgers) with a twist (exotic toppings and condiments) and an all white decor that's akin to what you'd find in one of Alex Gidewon's clubs. It's modern, it's sleek, it's unassuming on the outside, kinda pretentious on the inside, but really good overall.
On my first visit, I was a little timid. As I perused the menu and I noticed there were burgers with avocado, soy jellies, and curried pickles, I figured it'd be best to start with something simple. My choice - a regular old turkey burger with American cheese (USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!) and a side of fries. I chased it down with a ginger ale (even though they had a full bar). The service was prompt and professional. There's also this GORGEOUS waitress there that has this Leona Lewis thing going for her that is. . . . (note to self: I need to stalk her later. Lol).
Anyway, the food arrived to my table not too long after ordering it and it was great. The plate presentation was nice and consistent with the overall ambiance of the place. Then, I bit into my food. WOW!!! My burger was hot, juicy, and seasoned well. The fries had a Checkers-ish quality but not so "fast foody" if that makes sense. Everything was just solid across the board. It kinda reminded me of my trip to Yeah Burger to a certain extent but FLIP's contemporary interior was a sharp contrast to the more casual Yeah down the road.
My only personal disappointments were the two milkshakes I ordered. Yes, I ordered TWO. Don't judge me!!! I was curious. Up first - the Krispy Kreme shake (for obvious reasons). For those of you who don't know, I am a Krispy Kreme fanatic!!! However, there's a reason that there is no picture of this shake in today's post. It was horrible!!! It was like they took a dozen glazed donuts and put them in a blender with a half gallon of whole milk. The result - a diabetic's nightmare with a nasty after taste. Not the move at all!!! I tossed that one.
My second shake was the Nutella + Burnt Marshmallows shake pictured above. Honestly, this didn't even sound appealing to me. But, on this particular day, the 6 or 7 tables around me ALL had this shake (no exaggeration). I figured it must be good if EVERYONE has it, right?? WRONG!!! The chocolate was extremely rich and the burnt marshmallows just weren't for me. *Kanye shrug* I gave up after that one. I tried though.
Overall, I definitely recommend FLIP Burger. I've been back several times since that first visit and have NEVER had a bad experience. I've even tried most of the burgers that I thought were so "weird" at first. Some were an acquired taste but all were tasty. In comparison to HD1, I just think that many of those odd toppings or condiments seem to work BETTER on a beef (or turkey) patty than they do on a hot dog. What else can I say?? But, maybe it's me.
The next time you're near Howell Mill Rd, stop by FLIP and give it a try. Tell 'em ATL Bite Life sent you.
Happy Eating!!!
Grade: B+
What's Great: Atmosphere, Food
What Ain't: Music can be too loud, Seating in middle sections can be annoying for parties of 2 or 3
Ideal For: The Burger Eater that's tired of burgers

I've been to Yeah Burger but never here. I gotta try it though. Thanx Nick!
All good. You gotta check it out cuzzo!!! It's really good!!! It's a date spot with burgers!!! Lol.
I like Flip and agree with your rating. - Tawni
Thanks, Tawni
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