As my favorite time of year approaches, only one thing comes to mind . . . COCKTAILS!!! I mean, you have to admit, there's really no better way to celebrate the start of summer than with a little blissful inebriation. In honor of that, our amigos over at Creative Loafing are kicking off their 3rd Annual Drink Week TODAY and continuing it through next Wednesday (May 23).
For you newbies out there, I'll explain how it all goes down. Roving drinkers visit spots like Diesel Filling Station, Fernbank, and Harbour Bar & Fish House for good times and great drink specials. For some of you, this might sound like a normal Saturday night. Lol. But, for the rest of us, this is an opportunity to experience a fair amount of new concoctions at a discounted price.
Oh, and I would be completely remiss if I didn't tell you guys about the built in "hydrate and rest your liver'' day on 5/22. This means that your cocktail of choice should be WATER!!! Definitely a thoughtful touch from the organizers and sponsors.
I'm about 99% sure you guys will run into either me, Mach, or Nick (if not all of us) during Drink Week reppin' ATL Bite Life with drinks in hand. If YOU decide to get your drink on at some point during the 7-day celebration, let us know. Leave a comment below or tweet us.
For the complete Drink Week itinerary, click here.
Have fun, be safe, and enjoy!
Til next time . . . Happy Sipping! (Drink responsibly)
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